Below is a list of tools and resources for people concerned about their mood, memory, or thinking skills. Family and friends may also find these resources useful.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Amaze provides information, resources, and services to help people understand autism better. They have a free National Autism Helpline which you can contact by phone 1300 308 699, email [email protected], or live chat.
Aspergers Victoria run support groups and events for individuals with Aspergers, autism, and neurodiverse people. They provide employment support, run peer groups, and hold events like Minecraft and Dungeons and Dragons sessions.
The Autism Advantage - Why businesses are hiring autistic people is an article that discusses how people with autism may have specific skills that can be really useful in some workplaces.
Goblin AI can help you to break down tasks, change text to sound more formal, read the tone of text, estimate how long a task will take to complete, help you write task lists, and figure out what you can eat based on ingredients you have at home.
Griffith University are currently conducting research to better understand depression in autistic adults, as described by autistic adults and those who support them. Eligible participants will receive a $20 Wish gift card for completing the 30 minute survey.
Aspergers Victoria run support groups and events for individuals with Aspergers, autism, and neurodiverse people. They provide employment support, run peer groups, and hold events like Minecraft and Dungeons and Dragons sessions.
The Autism Advantage - Why businesses are hiring autistic people is an article that discusses how people with autism may have specific skills that can be really useful in some workplaces.
Goblin AI can help you to break down tasks, change text to sound more formal, read the tone of text, estimate how long a task will take to complete, help you write task lists, and figure out what you can eat based on ingredients you have at home.
Griffith University are currently conducting research to better understand depression in autistic adults, as described by autistic adults and those who support them. Eligible participants will receive a $20 Wish gift card for completing the 30 minute survey.
Brain Injury
The ABI Wise App provides tips, guided meditation, and other resources for people with brain injuries or stroke.
The Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service (ABIOS) has factsheets on learning and memory difficulties after a brain injury, coping with fatigue, and coping with attention and concentration problems, amongst other topics.
Brain Injury Matters shares resources and organises events for people with brain injuries or stroke. They also run weekly peer-support groups.
The PrepareMe app was designed by a person with a brain injury for people living with an ABI. It helps people keep track of their appointments and what they need to do, and also provides rehab tips.
The Who Are You Now? website shares stories about people who have experienced a brain injury, told in their own words.
The Young Stroke Service provides in person and online support to adults aged 18 to 45 who are affected by stroke.
The Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service (ABIOS) has factsheets on learning and memory difficulties after a brain injury, coping with fatigue, and coping with attention and concentration problems, amongst other topics.
Brain Injury Matters shares resources and organises events for people with brain injuries or stroke. They also run weekly peer-support groups.
The PrepareMe app was designed by a person with a brain injury for people living with an ABI. It helps people keep track of their appointments and what they need to do, and also provides rehab tips.
The Who Are You Now? website shares stories about people who have experienced a brain injury, told in their own words.
The Young Stroke Service provides in person and online support to adults aged 18 to 45 who are affected by stroke.
Alfred Health Carer Services, Carer Gateway, and Tandem are carer advisory groups that provide support, guidance, and resources for carers.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care provides advice about caring for people with cognitive impairment.
The Carer's Way Ahead is an online program for Australian carers and families managing someone with a traumatic brain injury. It is a step-by-step program teaching families how to manage challenging behaviour in the home.
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care provides advice about caring for people with cognitive impairment.
The Carer's Way Ahead is an online program for Australian carers and families managing someone with a traumatic brain injury. It is a step-by-step program teaching families how to manage challenging behaviour in the home.
DementiaThe Assessment and Management of Behaviours and Psychological Symptoms associated with Dementia (BPSD) is a handbook for clinicians working with people with dementia.
Cognitive, dementia and memory service (CDAMS) clinics are a public health service in Victoria. Some have access to neuropsychologists. Download a CDAMS brochure here (pdf). The Caring for Cognitive Impairment campaign is run by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. It aims to improve care and outcomes for people with cognitive impairment. The Dementia Support Australia 24 hour helpline (1800 699 799) provides support and strategies for people providing care to a person with dementia. |
The Australian Frontotemporal Dementia Association offer resources, support groups, and a whole range of other services.
‘It doesn’t define me’: What is it like to live with dementia? is an article that shares information about what dementia is and what it can be like to live with dementia.
You may be able to join the Markers in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (MiND) Study run by Neuropsychiatry at the Royal Melbourne Hospital which aims to use a new type of blood test to improve the diagnosis of mind and brain conditions.
The MAXCOG - Maximising Cognitive Abilities handouts provide useful tips on how to cope with memory or thinking problems.
The National Dementia Helpline (on 1800 100 500) provides support and advice to people with dementia, their carers, families and friends, as well as people concerned about memory loss.
A team lead by researchers at the University of Sydney has published the article "Dementia in Australia: Clinical recommendations post diagnosis". It provides an accessible guide for Australian healthcare workers involved in the diagnosis of dementia and post-diagnostic care.
‘It doesn’t define me’: What is it like to live with dementia? is an article that shares information about what dementia is and what it can be like to live with dementia.
You may be able to join the Markers in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (MiND) Study run by Neuropsychiatry at the Royal Melbourne Hospital which aims to use a new type of blood test to improve the diagnosis of mind and brain conditions.
The MAXCOG - Maximising Cognitive Abilities handouts provide useful tips on how to cope with memory or thinking problems.
The National Dementia Helpline (on 1800 100 500) provides support and advice to people with dementia, their carers, families and friends, as well as people concerned about memory loss.
A team lead by researchers at the University of Sydney has published the article "Dementia in Australia: Clinical recommendations post diagnosis". It provides an accessible guide for Australian healthcare workers involved in the diagnosis of dementia and post-diagnostic care.
The International Dyslexia Association has a factsheet on how to better support adolescents and adults living with dyslexia to help them succeed in school and at work.
Mental Health
Access Health Online provides bulk billed telehealth counselling with psychologists.
The Better Health Channel by the Victorian State Government has reliable and up-to-date information on a range of health issues including brain injuries, dementia, anxiety, and depression.
Discovery College at Alfred Health runs free courses about mental health and wellbeing which are designed and run by clinicians and people with lived experience.
Head to Health provides free online mental health resources to support wellbeing and mental health.
MyCompass is an online tool-kit with videos and activities to help people of all ages manage mood, anxiety, and stress. They also have a section for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
This Way Up has a range of online courses that can teach you how to improve your mood and the way you feel. They also have factsheets in 11 different languages on calming your emotions, tackling your problems, and other topics.
Psychology Today discusses some simple ways to cope with unwanted feelings using your five senses.
Woebot is a self-care app that checks-in with you every day and guides you through practical techniques to help tackle stress, depression, anxiety, pain management and more. Woebot is available to chat with you 24/7.
The Better Health Channel by the Victorian State Government has reliable and up-to-date information on a range of health issues including brain injuries, dementia, anxiety, and depression.
Discovery College at Alfred Health runs free courses about mental health and wellbeing which are designed and run by clinicians and people with lived experience.
Head to Health provides free online mental health resources to support wellbeing and mental health.
MyCompass is an online tool-kit with videos and activities to help people of all ages manage mood, anxiety, and stress. They also have a section for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
This Way Up has a range of online courses that can teach you how to improve your mood and the way you feel. They also have factsheets in 11 different languages on calming your emotions, tackling your problems, and other topics.
Psychology Today discusses some simple ways to cope with unwanted feelings using your five senses.
Woebot is a self-care app that checks-in with you every day and guides you through practical techniques to help tackle stress, depression, anxiety, pain management and more. Woebot is available to chat with you 24/7.
You may be able to join the Markers in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (MiND) Study run by Neuropsychiatry at the Royal Melbourne Hospital which aims to use a new type of blood test to improve the diagnosis of mind and brain conditions.
NeuroBITE is a database of research studies that focus on treatments for people with an acquired brain injury (ABI).
NeuroBITE is a database of research studies that focus on treatments for people with an acquired brain injury (ABI).
Telephone Helplines
The BeyondBlue 24 hour helpline (1300 22 46 36) offers information and support for people affected by depression or anxiety.
The Mensline Australia 24 hour helpline (1300 789 978) offers support and counselling for men with family and relationship issues.
The National Dementia Helpline (on 1800 100 500) provides support and advice to people with dementia, their carers, families and friends, as well as people concerned about memory loss. The Dementia Support Australia 24 hour helpline (1800 699 799) provides support and strategies for people providing care to a person with dementia. |
To find out about PsyAx services available for people worried about their mood, memory or thinking skills, please call us on 1300 455 677. Alternatively, please visit the contact us page for more options.